The Ignition Room, is now in partnership with the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA).
Through this partnership, we will be hosting a series of monthly face-to-face or virtual Effectiveness Huddles that bring together marketers and insight professionals from brands and agencies around the UK.
The huddles will facilitate conversation and insight into marketing effectiveness challenges and deliver approaches to help master them. To join them you will need to be either an Ignition Room member or work for an agency that is an IPA member.

Effectiveness Huddles – An ‘always on’ journey.
By taking effectiveness insights and research and addressing the real-life challenges in using these day-to-day, this partnership is unique. The Ignition Room has a well-established network of marketers who already meet regularly to discuss new marketing effectiveness industry thinking and research while also sharing their own effectiveness challenges. Bringing hand-picked agency effectiveness specialists into the mix will bring new perspective, add to the valuable conversations, initiatives and learnings and garner a stronger line up of speakers.
Chatham House rules apply; what is said within the walls of The Ignition Room, stays within The Ignition Room.
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